An Aeolian harp - Эолова арфа

An Aeolian harp is a string musical instrument played by the wind. It is made by stretching strings of catgut over a wooden box. Being placed in a draught and thus exposed to the action of the wind it produces pleasing sounds of plaintive music, if the strings are properly tuned. The name Aeolian harp has been derived from classical mythology. Thus was called the harp belonging to Aeolus, the god of the winds and the king of the islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, north of Sicily (now the Lipari islands), In the caverns of these islands the winds were supposed to be confined.


DRAUGHT, DROUGHT. These two words are sometimes confused in careless speech and writing whereas they are to be clearly discriminated. Draught [dra:ft], spelled also draft in American English, is a current of air. It is also the name of a game played on a board with twenty-four flat round pieces. Drought [draut] is a period of dry rainless weather that causes poor crops.

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1. Эолова арфа — своеобразный музыкальный инструмент. 2. Она представляет собой деревянную раму с натянутыми струнами, звучащими от порыва ветра. 3. Название эолова арфа заимствовано из греческой мифологии. 4. Так называлась арфа бога ветров Эола. 5. Острова в Тирренском море к северу от Сицилии находились под властью Эола. 6. Считалось, что их пещеры были убежищем ветров.